Paar mit Kindern auf dem Rücken beim Spaziergang

Our highlights – the most popular travel insurances

Travel cancel­la­tion & curtail­ment insurance – for a single trip

Leave your worries behind on your holiday with the travel cancellation insurance plus curtailment insurance. 

Annual travel health insurance – for any number of trips

One year of perfect cover: The HanseMerkur annual foreign health insurance pays for the costs of medical care abroad.

Young Travel incoming insurance for stays in Germany

Comprehensive cover for young people up to 35 years:  Foreign health insurance cover and further travel insurances for stays up to 5 years.

Excel­lent bene­fits – test winner and "very good" at Finanztest

Our products regularly receive awards from Stiftung Warentest Finanztest

Worldwide 24-hour Emergency-Call Service - we are available for you around the clock in urgent emergencies

Book travel insurance online 24/7 and in just a few minutes

Save contract data digitally on your smartphone or tablet with the Mobile Pass

  • Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für den Young Travel Profi inklusive USA/Kanada Tarif mit sehr gut
  • Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für den Young Travel Profi Tarif mit sehr gut
  • eKomi Award 2024 für Reiseversicherer mit sehr gut
  • Auszeichnung von Stiftung Warentest mit sehr gut für die Langzeit Auslandskrankenversicherung
  • Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für die Langzeit-Auslandskrankenversicherung Basic inklusive USA/Kanada mit sehr gut
  • Siegel für die Reiserücktrittsversicherungen mit der Bewertung 1,6 (Gut)
  • Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für die Langzeit-Auslandskrankenversicherung Profi ohne USA/Kanada mit sehr gut
  • Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für die Langzeit-Auslandskrankenversicherung Profi inklusive USA/Kanada mit sehr gut
  • Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für den Young Travel Basic Tarif ohne USA/Kanada mit sehr gut

Get to know the different kinds of travel insurances

Profession, Student, AuPair or Work & Travel: No matter where you go or what you do – your travel safety is our focus.

Learn more

Report a claim

Do you want to report an insurance claim? We are there for you when things get serious. 

Report a claim


We are available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, around the globe, in multiple languages.


Hand in hand that’s HanseMerkur

150 Jahre Hand in Hand - Teaser

Everything works better ‘hand in hand’. That’s why HanseMerkur offers you a high level of partnership-based consulting and benefit-oriented, tailored products. And you also benefit from our many years of experience.
In tests carried out by independent institutes and rating agencies, our insurance policies regularly come out in the top spots. The benefit to you: you receive high-performing products at attractive prices.

Good-to-know – current information from HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung

Find your destination – all info at a glance

Let's go on an adventure! Info, tips and safety instructions

Insurance comparisons – all insurances at a glance

Find your perfect travel insurance – compare all products of HanseMerkur

Glossary – Insurance terms from A to Z

Don't be afraid of the small print – we explain the most important terms

Excellent benefits – test winner and "very good" at BankingCheck

HanseMerkur travel insurance is regularly awarded excellent marks by Stiftung Warentest Finanztest. Most recently, our Young Travel tariff was the test winner with VERY GOOD (0.9). The annual travel cancellation insurance received the award GUT (1.6). In 2023 we were rated by ekomi / BankingCheck as the best "Best Travel Insurer" in the LangZeit test.