Coronavirus and travel insurance– frequently asked questions

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All information about Covid-19 & our travel insurances

  • When will travel insurances take effect?
  • What are the benefits for Covid-19 disease?
  • What applies to travel warnings and return transports?
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Travel health insurance questions

Can I cancel a Foreign Travel Health Insurance policy before departing on the trip because I am not able to depart due to infection with coronavirus?


Yes, please inform us of this in writing.

What is the scope of the insurance cover under the Foreign Travel Health Insurance in case of infection with the coronavirus?

Generally insured

If you have a Foreign Travel Health Insurance policy with HanseMerkur, you have extensive insurance cover when abroad. If you become infected with coronavirus during your trip abroad, all medically necessary treatment costs incurred at that location are in principle insured!

This also applies since the World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified the coronavirus as a pandemic.

What is the impact of the global travel warning issued by the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) in response to the global pandemic on the cover offered by my travel health insurance?

No impact

The travel warning issued by the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) has no impact on your insurance cover. You are not obliged to end your trip prematurely. However, we recommend that you check if you can finish your trip early. The agreed period of cover continues to remain valid.

Travel cancellation and curtailment insurance questions

Can I cancel a trip due to the theoretical risk of infection?

Cancellation fees may arise

All travellers have the right to cancel. However, trip organisers or other service providers are in principle entitled to charge the cancellation fees agreed in the contract.

I am afraid to travel. Which regulations apply in the travel cancellation insurance regarding coronavirus?

No insured event

The travel cancellation insurance will protect you if you need to cancel your trip due to unexpected and serious illness. Fear of falling ill is not an insured event.

Does the travel cancellation insurance apply in the event of a travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office?

No insured event

A warning from the Federal Foreign Office is not an insured event. If you have booked a package trip, please contact your tour operator, or if you have booked a modular trip contact your service providers.

Does the travel cancellation insurance apply if I become infected with coronavirus and cannot depart on the trip?

Insured event

Yes, that is an insured event. We recognise an official positive test result (citizen’s test or PCR test) as an insured event.

Will the additional costs be reimbursed if I myself am not ill but cannot depart on or return from the trip due to a quarantine situation?

Quarantine not insured

A potential quarantine situation is not insured. This is what is referred to as an “official action”. If you have booked a package trip, please contact your tour operator, or if you have booked a modular trip, contact your service providers.

Can I use my travel cancellation insurance if the authorities do not lock down the holiday resort from the outside world, but impose stringent restrictions resulting from security measures?

No insured event

Insurance cover only applies to the specific events listed in the insurance terms and conditions. This does not apply to cancellation due to restrictions at the holiday resort.

What happens if you are no longer able to travel to your holiday destination, e.g. if your holiday destination is located in a security zone, an entry ban has been imposed or the hotel is temporarily closed?

No insured event

You may assert your right to be reimbursed for any payments already made to your travel agency, hotel or landlord of your holiday apartment. There are no claims from travel cancellation insurance.

Will my premium be reimbursed if my trip is cancelled by the organiser or an entry ban is imposed?

No refund

The premium for travel cancellation insurance will not be reimbursed if the organiser cancels your trip or if you are unable to travel due to a ban on entry into the country. The cover provided by travel cancellation insurance applies from the booking date, meaning that the insurance benefit has already been provided.

For travel Coverage packages, benefits are paid on a pro-rata basis and apply from the start of your trip (travel health insurance, travel curailment insurance etc.).

General questions

How can I avoid becoming infected?

Protective vaccination in your area & further measures

It is important to wash your hands thoroughly several times a day. You should not cough or sneeze into your hand; instead you should sneeze into your elbow and/or use a tissue. Dispose of tissues in a closed bin straight away and if possible ventilate for 5-10 minutes at least 3 times per day.

The best protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the corona vaccination. Vaccination is free and available in many places. Current information on vaccines and vaccination dates in your area can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health.

In addition to vaccination, other measures help to avoid infection and thus prevent the virus from spreading:

  • Follow the AHA rule: keep your distance, observe hygiene, wear an everyday mask.
  • Take the opportunity to carry out regular quick tests
  • You comply with the entry rules after traveling abroad from a virus variant area. The Federal Foreign Office provides up-to-date information on this.
Where can I find information on travel warnings?

Travel advice for all countries

Travel warnings can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office: