Exclusion of liability - Disclaimer

The contents of the websites of the HanseMerkur insurance group were carefully drawn up. Importance was particularly attached to providing correct and up-to-date information. Nevertheless, errors can be made. We further would like to point out that the information on our websites is of a general nature and not coordinated to the special needs in an individual case. We do not assume any warranty for actuality, accuracy and completeness of the information. This shall also apply to information on external websites which are connected with the websites of the HanseMerkur insurance group via links.

Copyrights and conditions for use

Incidentally the following conditions shall apply to the use of the websites of the HanseMerkur insurance group:

Trademarks and logos

The contents and structure of our websites are protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved. Information or data (text, image, graphic, sound, video or animation files) of the websites of the Hanse-Merkur insurance group may in particular not be used in any form without the prior written consent of the HanseMerkur insurance group, not even as extracts. The trademarks and logos used on the websites of the HanseMerkur insurance group are protected. It is not permitted to use these trademarks without the prior written consent of the HanseMerkur insurance group.

Documents downloads

You can download documents in the PDF format on several pages of our web offer. In order to be able to view these you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader®, which you can download here free of charge.