Insurance ratings – best reviews for the HanseMerkur travel insurance

For more than 30 years, HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung has been known for its quality high-class travel insurance. The quality that distinguishes it from the others.

In order for you to personally measure our performance and the competitiveness of our products, we encourage the regular comparison of our products with those of other insurance companies.

Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für die Langzeit-Auslandskrankenversicherung Profi inklusive USA/Kanada mit sehr gut
Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für die Langzeit-Auslandskrankenversicherung Profi ohne USA/Kanada mit sehr gut

VERY GOOD (0.9) Travel Health Insurance up to 365 days

In the 06/2023 test, our long-term travel health insurance up to 365 days was rated VERY GOOD (0.9), placing it in the top group. This applies to both the Profi tariff including USA/Canada and the Profi tariff excluding USA/Canada. Our Basic tariff was also rated VERY GOOD (1.5).

Siegel Testsieger Stiftung Warentest für den Young Travel Profi Tarif inklusive USA/Kanada mit sehr gut

VERY GOOD (0.9) Young Travel Outgoing Insurance

In the 06/2023 test, our young travel outgoing insurance was rated VERY GOOD (0.9), placing it in the top group. This applies to both the Profi tariff including USA/Canada and the Profi tariff excluding USA/Canada. Our Basic tariff was also rated VERY GOOD (1.5).

Authentic customer reviews – eKomi rating platform

eKomi Award 2024 für Reiseversicherer mit sehr gut
Man erkennt auf der linken Seite das Logo von eKomi mit einem Daumen nach oben. Auf der rechten Seite steht eKomi in grün.

Customer satisfaction and a high level of transparency are particularly important to us. You can find authentic customer opinions on the rating platform "eKomi". All our reviews are written by real customers since only people who have completed a transaction (e.g. booked insurance via our website) can write a review on eKomi.

In 2020, 2021 and 2022, we were awarded as Best Travel Insurer. In 2023 the rating is "Best Travel Insurer" in the long-term test. In 2024 we received the rating "very good".

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About Stiftung Warentest

Criteria good travel health insurance

Criteria good travel cancellation insurance


Stiftung Warentest - Neutrality and scientific methods

Stiftung Warentest is an independent consumer protection organization. Almost every German knows it (over 96%) and for many it is of great importance when deciding on a product. Stiftung Warentest is committed to neutrality and tests  using scientific methods.

Stiftung Warentest Finanztest also regularly revise travel insurances. It tests and evaluates the insurers' current products. When we revise our products, we are no longer allowed to use the test seal. This is one reason why there is not a test result for all our travel insurance products. Another reason is that only certain insurances and rates are tested.

What is crucial for a good travel health insurance?

Among the winners of the tests are the travel health insurance for trips and stays abroad, which provide comprehensive coverage against many risks and offer a wide range of benefits. For example, it is important that there is no deductible and that you do not have to pay extra for treatment abroad. A medically necessary return transport of the patient is also considered positive. This is in contrast to a medically necessary return transport, where payment is only made if treatment is not possible in the vacation country. HanseMerkur covers the costs of a Medically advisable repatriation and also pays, for example, if you recover more quickly at home.

What is crucial for a good travel cancellation insurance?

The events for which reimbursement is provided are important for the evaluation of travel cancellation insurance. In addition to illness, accident or death of relatives, complications during pregnancy, loss of job or change of job should also be insured. HanseMerkur even provides coverage if a dog or cat becomes ill and travel cancellation is necessary. The requirement is that the animal was registered for the trip. Chronic illnesses are often excluded. At HanseMerkur, we do not only reimburse for the first occurrence of an illness after taking out the insurance. We also insure for the reoccurrence of an illness if no treatment has been carried out for this illness in the last 2 weeks prior to taking out the insurance.

Costs also arise if you have to interrupt your trip. We therefore recommend that you take out a combination of travel cancellation and travel interruption insurance. Trip interruption insurance covers rebooking costs in the event of an early return trip. HanseMerkur also reimburses for additional costs for a longer stay and a later return trip as well as for unused travel services.

An excellent partner by your side

With our award-winning insurance products, you are comprehensively protected while traveling. We offer you a wide range of benefits from which you can benefit in the case of damage or loss before and during your vacation.

With our excellent annual travel cancellation insurance, we protect you from high costs that can arise if you fall ill before your vacation and have to cancel your trip. Our travel health insurance also provides comprehensive coverage during your trip. If you need medical help abroad, we will reimburse you for the invoice amount. Good insurance doesn't have to be expensive - we offer particularly favorable conditions for families and group travelers. With our low-cost travel insurance packages, we combine the most important travel insurances (e.g. travel health insurance, travel cancellation and interruption insurance, emergency insurance and baggage insurance). No matter how many days you spend abroad, a medical emergency can always occur. That's why quality insurance coverage belongs in every travel bag. By choosing travel insurance from HanseMerkur, you are making a good choice in any case - as numerous prizes and awards for our products confirm.