
Become partners

  • Tailor-made travel protection products
  • Additional sources of revenue
  • Wide range of booking options

Distribution Partners of HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung - Participate in our success!

As one of the most successful German travel insurers we work worldwide with our partners on high-quality, tailor-made travel protection products. The companies, which recommend HanseMerkur travel cover to their customers reflect the trust they place in our company and the variety of our products.

Advantages for partners of HanseMerkur

Discover additional sources of income by becoming our partner

Booking options - choose your personal booking method cust­o­mised to your company

We offer a variety of options to integrate travel insurance into your booking system or website

Fairs - get in touch

Visit us at the most important tourism trade fairs in Cologne and Berlin and find out interesting facts and news directly.

References - distri­bu­tion part­ners of the Hanse­Merkur

We operate with our worldwide partners to develop high quality customised travel cover.

We tailor our services to your personal needs. If you are interested, would like to share ideas or require further information


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