Important information in case you wish to make a claim

Ein Mann hat einen Gips am Fuß und sitzt auf dem Sofa. In seiner Hand hält er ein Handy.

Claim service

  • Report claims
  • Request important documents online
  • Support from the claims department


If unexpected things happen, we are here to help. 

Make a claim online

If it’s not an emergency, the easiest way to make a claim is online.

Start online claim

Make a claim by mail or fax

To report claims by mail or fax, please click on the corresponding claim forms below. Fill in your personal details directly on the screen and print it out.

  • If you wish to report a claim by letter, send it to:

    HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG
    Abt. RLK
    20352 Hamburg
  • You can also send your claim by fax to: +49 40 4119-35 86

Emergency service

  • In case of an emergency abroad, you can reach our service team 24 hours a day. 
  • Emergency line: +49 40 5555-7877

Travel Claim Department

  • If you have any questions, our Claim Department will be glad to assist you by phone+49 40 4119-23 00


General information

Missing documents may lead to delays in the processing of claims!
Please do not staple the documents or attach these with paper clips!

In the case of a claim we need the following documents:

  • copy of the booking confirmation of the tour operator
  • copy of proof of insurance
  • for transferring the possible reimbursement amount the bank details of the recipient (with overseas transfers the IBAN number and BIC code)
  • any further documents mentioned under the relevant sections

Product related information

Travel health insurcance

Original paid receipts must be submitted as proof of costs and must contain the following information:

  • Name and address of the patient
  • Name and address of the treating person/physician
  • Description of illness
  • Period of treatment
  • Individual services of the physician/hospital
  • Exact designation of the foreign currency

  • In the event of in-patient treatment, the emergency call service must be informed immediately on telephone number 040 55557877 from Germany or +49 40 55557877 from abroad (citing the insurance number and, if applicable, tour operator).
  • Medically necessary transport back of a sick person prescribed by a physician during travel shall only be organised by the specialists at our worldwide emergency call service. This can be reached at any time on telephone number 040 55557877 from Germany or +49 40 55557877 from abroad.
Travel cancellation insurance

You must cancel with the operator immediately in order to keep the cancellation costs as low as possible!

Higher cancellation costs will not be reimbursed if you cancel the trip too late due to non-occurrence of expected recovery or cure!

In the case of an insured event, please use the claim notification form, which you can download below. The following documents are also to be submitted to HanseMerkur:

  • Originals of all booking and cancellation documents
  • Physicians' notes with diagnosis and treatment details (in the case of the travel curtailment insurance, the note from a physician at the travel destination)
  • In the event of death, a copy of the death certificate
  • In the event of job loss, written confirmation from the employer of the business-related termination as well as written confirmation from the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency) of the commencement of unemployment (only applies for trip cancellation)
  • In the event of assumption of a job from unemployment, written confirmation from the new employer of the start of the employment relationship and written confirmation from the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency) of the amendment (only applies for trip cancellation)
  • In the event of a change of job, written confirmation from the old and new employers (only applies for trip cancellation) incl. proof of the probationary period
  • In the event of necessary resits of failed examinations, written confirmation from the university/college (only applies for trip cancellation)
  • In the event of being called to do basic military service, duty training or civil service, written confirmation from the federal agency (only applies for trip cancellation)
Luggage insurance

Please note the following:

  • Damage caused by criminal acts committed by third parties must be reported immediately to the police station responsible for the place where the damage was incurred. Please obtain a complete police log and submit the original to us.
  • Damage caused during transport by a transport company must be reported to the company immediately. Please obtain written confirmation of notification from the transport company and submit the original to us.

If you are on a package holiday, we ask that you also report the damage to your guide immediately. Please obtain written confirmation of notification from the guide and submit the original to us.

Travel accident insurance

Please note the following:

  • In the event of an accident, a physician is to be consulted immediately.
  • The accident is to be reported to HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG immediately.
  • An accident resulting in death is to be reported to HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG within 48 hours, even if the accident itself has already been reported.
Travel liability insurance

Please note the following:

  • The names and addresses of persons making a claim and witnesses are to be noted
  • The names and addresses of persons making a claim and witnesses are to be noted

Bookings on other websites

In case you have booked with an travel agency or tour operator please contact them directly or use our partner claim forms

For Austria please visit our Austrian website.

For the Netherlands please visit our Dutch website.

For Poland please visit our Polish website.

For Switzerland please visit our Swiss website.

Our tip for you

The templates are available as writeable Adobe PDF files and can be easily filled out on the screen using a current version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader You can save the empty document; however, the form data cannot be saved. You must therefore always print the forms after filling them out.

The save function is available incidentally in the professional version of Adobe Acrobat. You can also find numerous free PDF programmes online, with the aid of which you can save your data.