Sichere Online Buchung

Secure online booking

  • Secure handling of your data
  • What is SSL?
  • How do you recognise SSL?

Secure online booking - securely book your travel insurance online via SSL

We guarantee the highest level of security when it comes to your details upon ordering HanseMerkur travel insurance through our booking process.

The booking process is incorporated into our website as its own site (also known as 'Frame'). The address in your browser begins with "http". However, the actual booking process takes place through an SSL encrypted site ("https").

How can you recognise this?

Firefox: Hover the mouse over the current booking form, click on the right-hand mouse button and select "current frame". Then click on "Display frame information". This will now display the address of the encrypted site (

Internet Explorer: Hover the mouse over the current booking form, click on the right-hand mouse button and select "Properties" (see screenshot). This will now display the address of the encrypted site (

Chrome: Hover the mouse over the current booking form, click on the right-hand mouse button and select "Display frame information". In the box that appears click on the "Connection" tab. This displays the SSL certificate information.

What is SSL?

SSL (Abbreviation of "Secure Socket Layer") is a generally recognised encryption protocol for the transfer of data over the internet. SSL encrypts your details sent over the internet and protects them from third-party access and manipulation.