Annual travel cancellation and curtailment insurance – perfect cover for one year

Eine Familie sitzt unter einem Sonnenschirm am Strand und spielen im Sand.

Annual travel cancellation insurance

  • For unlimited trips per year
  • No deduc­tible
  • Special rates for families

(Sample pricing per year, travel costs up to € 1,000, without travel curtail­ment insurance)

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Your benefits

Your perfect cover for unlimited trips per year: The annual travel cancellation insurance and travel curtailment insurance. The travel cancellation insurance covers all trips within a year and assumes the costs incurred if you cannot go on your trip or can only start your trip with a delay (e.g. in case of an unexpected severe illness). With the travel curtailment insurance you stay covered during your holiday HanseMerkur compensates you for costs incurred if you must cut your trip short.

We compensate you for the cancellation costs, e.g. in the case of an unexpected severe illness or special events such as temporary work or a court summons.

We compensate you for the rebooking costs up to € 30 up to 42 days before the start of the trip for personal reasons.

Six persons are mutually insured if a person must cancel the trip and the trip was booked jointly and all persons travelling are insured.

Tariff overview

 Annual travel cancellation & curtailment insurance
Travel cancellation insurance
Highlights of the travel cancellation insurance
  • We compensate you for contractually agreed cancellation or rebooking costs in the case of an insured event (no-show or unused rental property).
  • No deductible, except for illnesses treated with outpatient care.
  • You can change the booking for personal reasons up to 42 days before you go on your trip - we assume the rebooking costs up to € 30 per person.
Travel curtailment insurance
Highlights of the travel curtailment insurance:
  • You have to terminate your trip. No problem we reimburse you for the costs of your return journey and on the first eight days of your trip also for the full costs of your missed holiday. From the ninth day, we pay a proportionate share of all missed holiday benefits.
  • If you must cancel your trip for insured reasons, we reimburse you for the costs of catching up, e.g. in the case of a round trip.
  • Did you break a leg during the trip and must curtail the trip? We pay for additional return journey costs.
  • If another person travelling cancels, we pay for the costs of the partial cancellation, e.g. the single room supplement.

Product informationDownload PDF
Number of insured tripsfor any number of trips within one year
Maximum duration of trip travel cancellation insuranceunlimited
Maximum duration of trip travel curtailment insurance56 days per trip
Area of applicationworldwide
Type of travelflight, train, sea and bus journeys and car trips
Overview of pricesDownload PDF
Familiy tariff
Family tariff

A family is defined as a maximum of 2 adults and a maximum of 7 children up to their 26th birthday. No family relationship or joint residence is required.

If family members are travelling alone with the annual travel cancellation insurance, the sum insured is 50% of the agreed family sum insured.

The annual travel cancellation insurance with travel curtailment insurance in the family tariff can also be taken out by 2 adults as a couple. Here too, no family relationship or joint residence is required.


Sample pricing for travel cancellation insurance

(up to the 65th birthday, trip costing € 1,000)


€ 55

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Key insurance benefits – at a glance

Travel cancellation insurance
Insured benefitsTravel cancellation insurance
The travel cancellation insurance serves to cover the costs incurred if the trip does not start or does not start on time or has to be rebooked before the start of the trip for an insured reason.
The travel cancellation insurance serves to cover the costs incurred if the trip does not start or does not start on time or has to be rebooked before the start of the trip for an insured reason.
Insured benefits
Insured benefits
Non-commencement of the trip or non-use of the rental property
Non-commencement of the trip or non-use of the rental property
reimbursement of cancellation costs including agency fees charged at the time of booking
reimbursement of cancellation costs including agency fees charged at the time of booking 
reimbursement of the single room supplement or reimbursement of the pro rata costs for the double room in the event of partial cancellation by an accompanying person
reimbursement of the single room supplement or reimbursement of the pro rata costs for the double room in the event of partial cancellation by an accompanying person 
Delayed departure
Delayed departure
reimbursement of the additional outward trip costs incurred
reimbursement of the additional outward trip costs incurred 
reimbursement of travel services not utilised
reimbursement of travel services not utilised 
Rebooking the trip
Rebooking the trip
reimbursement of rebooking costs for an insured reason
reimbursement of rebooking costs for an insured reason 
reimbursement of rebooking costs without an insured reason up to 42 days before departure up to
reimbursement of rebooking costs without an insured reason up to 42 days before departure up to€ 30
If the cruise ship is missed and a subsequent trip is necessary
If the cruise ship is missed and a subsequent trip is necessary
reimbursement of additional travelling costs due to a public transport delay of more than 2 hours up to
reimbursement of additional travelling costs due to a public transport delay of more than 2 hours up to€ 1,500
If you receive a cheaper offer for a flight package holiday (best-price guarantee)
If you receive a cheaper offer for a flight package holiday (best-price guarantee)
reimbursement of the price difference between the actual travel price and the competing offer received within 7 days of the travel booking, up to a proportion of the travel price of
reimbursement of the price difference between the actual travel price and the competing offer received within 7 days of the travel booking, up to a proportion of the travel price of20 %
Insured events
Insured events
unexpected serious illness
unexpected serious illness 
unexpected worsening of an existing illness
unexpected worsening of an existing illness 
death, severe injury due to an accident
death, severe injury due to an accident 
pregnancy and complications during the pregnancy
pregnancy and complications during the pregnancy 
prosthesis breakage and loosening of implanted joints
prosthesis breakage and loosening of implanted joints 
vaccine intolerance
vaccine intolerance 
organ donation / reception
organ donation / reception 
significant damage (from EUR 2,500) to the insured person's property
significant damage (from EUR 2,500) to the insured person's property 
unexpected court summons
unexpected court summons 
taking a child into care or adopting a child during the travelling period
taking a child into care or adopting a child during the travelling period 
unexpected dismissal for operational reasons, re-employment after unemployment, short-time working or change of job
unexpected dismissal for operational reasons, re-employment after unemployment, short-time working or change of job 
pupil/student protection:
- date of a repeat examination falls within the insured travel period
- non-promotion of a pupil
pupil/student protection:
- date of a repeat examination falls within the insured travel period
- non-promotion of a pupil
unexpected start of an employment or training relationship subject to social security contributions of (at least 15 hours per week)
unexpected start of an employment or training relationship subject to social security contributions of (at least 15 hours per week) 
missing the insured means of transport:
- due to cancellation of public transport or delay of more than 2 hours
- due to involvement in an accident or breakdown during the trip
missing the insured means of transport:
- due to cancellation of public transport or delay of more than 2 hours
- due to involvement in an accident or breakdown during the trip
illness, death of a dog/cat registered to go on the trip
illness, death of a dog/cat registered to go on the trip 
unexpected allocation of a place in a retirement home and the need to move in during the travelling period
unexpected allocation of a place in a retirement home and the need to move in during the travelling period 
refused visa for the destination country
refused visa for the destination country 
Deductible for one-time insurance
Deductible for one-time insurance
No deductible for all insured events with the exception of serious and unexpected illnesses treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, the deductible is 20 % of the eligible claim.
No deductible for all insured events with the exception of serious and unexpected illnesses treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, the deductible is 20 % of the eligible claim.
Deductible for annual insurance
Deductible for annual insurance
No deductible
No deductible
Travel curtailment insurance
Insured benefitsTravel curtailment insurance
The travel curtailment insurance serves to cover costs incurred if the trip has to be cancelled, interrupted or the return journey delayed for an insured reason
The travel curtailment insurance serves to cover costs incurred if the trip has to be cancelled, interrupted or the return journey delayed for an insured reason
Insured benefits
Insured benefits
Curtailment of the trip
Curtailment of the trip
reimbursement of the total trip price provided that the trip is cancelled within the first half of the travel time (at the latest within the first 8 days)
reimbursement of the total trip price provided that the trip is cancelled within the first half of the travel time (at the latest within the first 8 days) 
reimbursement of unused travel services (limited to the agreed sums insured), if the trip is cancelled in the second half of the travel time (after the 9th day at the latest)
reimbursement of unused travel services (limited to the agreed sums insured), if the trip is cancelled in the second half of the travel time (after the 9th day at the latest) 
reimbursement of additional return travel costs incurred, including other additional costs (e.g. accommodation and meals)
reimbursement of additional return travel costs incurred, including other additional costs (e.g. accommodation and meals) 
Interruption of the trip
Interruption of the trip
reimbursement of unused travel services or reimbursement of unused travel days in proportion to the total duration of the trip
reimbursement of unused travel services or reimbursement of unused travel days in proportion to the total duration of the trip 
Delay of the return trip
Delay of the return trip
reimbursement of additional return travel costs incurred, including other additional costs (e.g. accommodation and meals) and additional accommodation costs
reimbursement of additional return travel costs incurred, including other additional costs (e.g. accommodation and meals) and additional accommodation costs 
Interruption of round trips or cruises
Interruption of round trips or cruises
reimbursement of transport costs from the place of interruption to the travel group
reimbursement of transport costs from the place of interruption to the travel group 
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
unexpected serious illness
unexpected serious illness 
unexpected worsening of an existing illness
unexpected worsening of an existing illness 
death, severe injury due to an accident
death, severe injury due to an accident 
pregnancy and complications during the pregnancy
pregnancy and complications during the pregnancy 
prosthesis breakage and loosening of implanted joints
prosthesis breakage and loosening of implanted joints 
vaccine intolerance
vaccine intolerance 
organ donation / reception
organ donation / reception 
significant damage (from EUR 2,500) to the insured person's property
significant damage (from EUR 2,500) to the insured person's property 
unexpected court summons
unexpected court summons 
taking a child into care or adopting a child during the travelling period
taking a child into care or adopting a child during the travelling period 
missing the insured means of transport:
- due to cancellation of public transport or delay of more than 2 hours
- due to involvement in an accident or breakdown during the trip
missing the insured means of transport:
- due to cancellation of public transport or delay of more than 2 hours
- due to involvement in an accident or breakdown during the trip
illness, death of a dog/cat registered to go on the trip
illness, death of a dog/cat registered to go on the trip 
extreme weather or a geological event at the holiday destination (e.g. avalanches, landslides, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes or fire) 
extreme weather or a geological event at the holiday destination (e.g. avalanches, landslides, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes or fire)  
Deductible for one-time insurance
Deductible for one-time insurance
No deductible for all insured events with the exception of serious and unexpected illnesses treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, the deductible is 20 % of the eligible claim.
No deductible for all insured events with the exception of serious and unexpected illnesses treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, the deductible is 20 % of the eligible claim.
Deductible for annual insurance
Deductible for annual insurance
No deductible
No deductible

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Annual travel cancellation & curtailment insurance


(Sample pricing per year, travel costs up to € 1,000, without travel curtail­ment insurance)

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