Glossary – Insurance terms from A to Z

Letter A

Accident insurance

Travel accident insurance protects you in the event of an accident involving damage to health that occurred abroad. These can be accidents at home, on the road or during sports. Accident insurance is particularly recommended for longer trips and stays abroad. It pays up to the specified sum insured in the event of disability and death and, depending on the insurance, covers costs up to the specified sum insured, e.g. for salvage or cosmetic surgery.

In the event of disability, the sum insured amounts to € 20,000 when taking out the Basic tariff and € 60,000 when taking out the Profi tariff. The amount of the benefit depends on the sum insured and the degree of disability. The exact degrees of disability can be found in the insurance terms and conditions for travel insurance.

Annual insurance

An annual insurance is a policy that lasts for one year (year=365 days/leap year=366 days). With an annual travel insurance, several trips can be covered within one year. Often, an annual insurance is cheaper for as few as two holiday trips per year than a one-off insurance for one trip. The term does not refer to a calendar year, but runs for 365 days from the date of conclusion. The insurance policies are automatically renewed if they are not cancelled in time.

Examples of annual insurances:

Annual travel health insurance
Annual travel cancellation insurance

Au Pair

The term au pair comes from the French. Au pairs are young people who help with childcare and/or household chores in exchange for room & board and pocket money with a family abroad. In the process, they get to know the language and culture of the host country.

For au pairs, HanseMerkur offers a specially tailored travel insurance, which includes travel health insurance, as well as accident and liability insurance and other travel insurances.