Glossary – Insurance terms from A to Z

Letter F

Family definition

HanseMerkur offers particularly favourable rates for families for many travel insurances. Different family definitions apply to the various insurances. 

Travel insurances for one trip:

A family is deemed to be a maximum of two adults with at least one travelling child (irrespective of the family relationship and place of residence) under the age of 21 (up to 21st birthday), up to a total of seven children.

Annual travel insurances:

If a family insurance is taken out, a maximum of 2 adults and children under the age of 21 (up to 21st birthday) or two adults count as a family. Two adults without children can also book the family tariff.

Family insurance

A family insurance policy is a travel insurance with its own family tariff. As a family-friendly company, HanseMerkur offers special rates with favourable conditions for families. 

Flight cancellation

A flight cancellation due to severe weather is not insured.