Glossary – Insurance terms from A to Z

Letter M

Medically necessary / medically expedient return transport

A patient transport operation involves the transport of an ill or injured patient from abroad back to his or her place of residence. If medical care cannot be provided abroad, this is a medically necessary return transport. In the case of a medically reasonable return transport of the patient, the recommendation made in consultation between the attending physician and a neutral flight physician from the Emergency Call Service is normally sufficient. In both cases, contact must be made with HanseMerkur in order to organise what is necessary, to coordinate with the doctors and to clarify the assumption of costs. For this purpose, the 24-hour emergency call service is at your disposal.

Travel health insurance policies provided by HanseMerkur Travel Insurance generally cover medically reasonable return transport of the patient. Please refer to the general insurance terms and conditions in each individual case.

Medical products

Medicinal products (also referred to as drugs or medicines) are substances that are used to cure, alleviate or prevent diseases or to make diagnoses. They are used on the body or administered to the patient.

HanseMerkur's travel health insurances generally reimburse all medicines used for medically necessary treatment, provided they are prescribed by a doctor. The exact provisions can be found in the general insurance terms and conditions or the tariff description.

In most cases, you will receive the medicines directly from the doctor, hospital or pharmacy and you will pay on the spot. Have all costs confirmed with appropriate proof. Then submit the documents to us for reimbursement. Please also refer to our notes in the section.